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JSI Opportunity Surveys℠

Our employee assessment report offers valuable insights into personal strengths, as well as leadership quality potential, that can inspire existing and emerging leaders to exceptional performance. The JSI Opportunity Survey℠ provides an effective framework for achieving career growth and success. With the outcome, employees and their supervisors can work together to create development plans that maximize professional presence and enhance vital soft skills. 

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Our Products

There are four types of JSI Opportunity Surveys℠

  • Alliance for Executives

  • Alliance for Associates

  • Independent Executive

  • Independent Associate

The JSI Alliance Surveys℠ provide an opportunity for both the supervisor and employee to complete separate assessments of the employee’s performance and compare results.


The Independent Executive and Independent Associate surveys are designed for professionals to perform self-assessments and create their own development plans with or without assistance from a supervisor or coach.

Independent Survey for Executives

Alliance Survey for Executives

Independent Survey for Associates

Alliance Survey for Associates

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